Sound Nutrition:

A Journey of (Inner) World Peace

Seven Sundays at 9 am PST/ 18h CET/ 19h EET

Beginning March 6, 2022

What can we do to help create real "peace" in the world?

We create it first within ourselves and our own daily world.

The word peace comes from the Proto-Indo-European root *pag-, which means "to fasten," to covenant or agree" on "a binding together" by treaty or agreement. (From the Online Etymology Dictionary).

It entails respect and care, recognizing the sovereign boundaries and agreements of both other and self.

If we want this covenant with another, we need it within ourselves—a sacred agreement of self and soul—the twin aspects of our being. 

For many of us at this moment, the self—our nervous systems and energy fields— is often overloaded with conflicting information or stories, threats to survival, concern for loved ones, etc. 

Let’s come home together, to the nurture and care of our being, to access the deep silence of our soul's respite, replenishment, and care. 

We will access this through breath, movement, planetary cycle tracking, sound, and group and singular work and playto step in a new direction of love—of other and self.

This 7-week series begins on Sunday, March 6 at 9 am Pacific Time/18h CET/19h EET. Each meeting is 75 minutes. 

Come to only the first week if you are not ready to sign up for the series.

The themes we will explore: 

Week 1: Earth & Saturn: Coming Home

Week 2: Moon: Befriending our Feelings 

Week 3: Mars & Pluto: Dance of Vitality

Week 4: Sun: The Beat of the Radiant Heart

Week 5: Venus & Neptune: Voice, Song, and Silence

Week 6: Mercury & Uranus: Dreaming New Stories

Week 7: The Stars: Connecting with Spirit Guides

Sign up for the series or for individual meetings.

This is free of charge for those who are in or fleeing from Ukraine, Russia, or any other conflict zones. If your circumstances and energy only allow for listening and receiving the sound journey portion of the meetings, that is perfect; interaction is optional.

For those not able to make the live Zoom meetings, there will be a recording available after each meeting. 

A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. 

Led by Nyei Murez, MA, Sound Dreamer, Breathworker, StarMapper, Creative Expression Facilitator.

Single Payment


For full series


Two Payments


For Full Series


Weekly Subscription


Series or Single Attendance




For those in or emigrating from Ukraine, Russia, or conflict zones.
