Answer Your Heart's Call!
Do you long to sing, create a software platform, or teach children? Do you want to make a difference in the world? Is there something keeping you from bringing your dream into “reality”? Maybe you simply need support to take that next step on your path. Or you want to gain clarity on what you really would like to do, or be, in this phase of your life.
In a wisdom lineage whose origin spans from the Valley of Mexico into Central California, our heart’s desires are calls from our dreaming body—our soul, our twin made completely of energy.
This energy twin can travel instantly through time, space, & dimension to bring relevant information here and now.
Cultivating this ability is called being-in-dreaming. It's the art of shifting our orientation to "reality" so we can perceive & experience new possibilities.
On this journey, we encounter portals that Yaqui seer don Juan Matus called the gates of dreaming, thresholds of awareness you can reach & cross through consistent effort & attention...
...And Put Your Dream into Action!
With one-on-one guidance and group support, you've found a place to dig deep and nurture your dreams -- and your whole being.
"Fear makes you run wildly. Love makes you move intelligently."
~The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda.
Learn what it means to nurture your dreams. You will:
- Reconnect with our best learning mood of childlike wonder & sense of play.
- Connect self & dreaming body via breath, movement, sound immersion, music, drumming & dance
- Energize & awaken new possibilities by reviewing your day & key life scenes, aided by special breathing, gazing, & theater play
- Learn to set up dreaming in both waking & sleeping states.
- Keep a dream log
- Access dreams & the dreaming attention as allies to bring your dream to reality.
- Enjoy a collaborative online portal of Helpful Resources--books, videos, & other aids.
- Receive guidance from animal, mineral, plant, elemental, ancestral & nonphysical realms.
- Share support with class peers.
- Learn to move beyond "perfection" to do your "crummy best."
- Let go of "figuring things out," & instead be guided by the greater intelligence of your link with your dreaming body.
Course Structure includes:

Learning about key practices of The Art of Dreaming, and the dreaming gates, and the state of Being-in-Dreaming as described by Carlos Castaneda and Florinda Donner-Grau--students of Yaqui seer don Juan Matus.

Laying the Foundation. Deciding upon & setting intention for your project. Mapping your project plan. Recognizing that you are the dreamer of your project & your experience, & that you have choices. Starting the journey of recognizing the infinite in the seeming finite of your daily world and actions.

Adapting your plan based on experience and energy flow. Learning discernment of When to share about your project & with whom, & when to remain quiet. When to engage, & when to let go, & receive & recharge. Ways to stay out of personal history & collaborate effectively with others.

Using the power of dreams of day & night to help you avoid rabbit holes & distractions, stay in the big picture, & focus on the details that matter.

Bringing the view of your dreaming body to witness how your project will serve & impact others. Attending & participating in a Group Showcase of our dreamt projects, giving & receiving support to help dream each other forward.

Leave with a specific practice plan and strategy of how to refine, launch, & take care of your project baby as it grows and moves out in the world--and how to continue to support your own ability to maintain & grow the connection between Self and Dreaming Body--in your project & in your life.

We meet Saturdays, from 10am to 12noon Pacific Time, via Zoom. One meeting a month is hybrid (attend online, or in-person in Los Angeles area).
Class recordings will be accessible within 48 hours of the live sessions.
You’ll get a downloadable handout with each session to help you navigate practice between sessions.
We will have accountability groups to help you stay on track.
For those who want to go deeper, 1:1 sessions will help you in further dreaming & tracking your project.
Your dream-mates, and your dreams, are waiting for you!
Your Facilitator. Nyei (ny-EE) means water spirit, in the flow, open to follow the flow of energy in the universe to initiate and sustain new dreams. This is something I am learning, and I am honored to share with you! I bring my experience as a student of Carlos Castaneda and his colleagues, where I received the seeds of my work as a story editor, flutist, and sound dreamer. I love to help others question old stories and tell new ones that are both sober and expansive--and to facilitate soundscapes that go beyond language and perceived limitation to help us reach our heart's dreams.
Join me and Special Guest Leaders on a journey of stepping into the dreams that await you.
"There is no past or future in the universe. There is only the moment...In the universe there is only energy, and energy only has a here and now, an endless and ever-present here and now."
From The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda
"My beloved Zen teacher Maurine Stuart Roshi taught, 'Follow a path of doing finite things in an infinite way, then ordinary becomes extraordinary...Preparing the food, washing the dishes; everything can be a sacred act.' Every moment is so precious. None of us know what a day or night will bring. Appreciate the gifts you have!"
Trudy Goodman, Founder, Insight LA
Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right option for you.
All include:
Live Group Meeting each Week
Access to Meeting recordings & transcripts w/in 48 hours of live
Printable Dream Gates workbook handout each meeting
Membership to the Dream Gates community